Sunday, 28 October 2012

Mango Pudding

Hi! Today I want to share with you guys 2 recipe that my cousin gave to me, it's her grandma's recipe and it's so yummy I can't not share with you guys! The recipes are both pudding / jelly recipe . So for this post im gonna share with you guys the MANGO PUDDING recipe!

  • 2300ml water
  • 1 pack agar-agar (yellow)
  • 50g gelatin
  • 50g sugar
  • 800ml mango syrup
  • 1 teaspoon mango flavouring
  • 1 can Evaporated milk
  • 2-3 mangoes cut (optional)
  • nata de coco (optional)

  1. Bring the water to boil
  2. Mix the agar-agar powder with a little hot water and pour into boiling water.
  3. Mix gelatin and sugar together, off the fire and add into the boiling water.
  4. Wait for the water and mixture to cool.
  5. Add the mango syrup and evaporated milk into mixture.
  6. (optional) Add mangoes / nata de coco into the mixture.
  7. Put mixtures into container and then into the fridge. 

After a few hours you'll get to enjoy yummy mango puddings!!